平素はいつもONI GYM 24をご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。
第37回全日本ベンチプレス選手権大会及び第29回ジャパンクラシックパワーリフティング選手権大会にONI GYM 24 東大阪店の機材の一部を提供するため一時的に店内のONIブランド機材及びラバープレート類が不足します。
Thank you for your continued support of ONI GYM 24.
From Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 11:00 AM until around the end of March
To support the 37th All Japan Bench Press Championship and the 29th Japan Classic Powerlifting Championship, some ONI-branded equipment and rubber plates from ONI GYM 24 Higashi-Osaka will be temporarily provided for the competitions.
Additionally, the number of 25kg powerlifting plates will be limited until the next batch arrives around the end of March. Please be considerate and share with fellow gym members when using them.
ELEIKO, BULL, and other non-ONI branded equipment, including power racks, half racks, squat stands, and machines, will not be used for the competitions and will remain in the gym for use during this period.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.